About Tom


Tom Ford

      TOM FORD 

        OWNER & COMP PREP Specialist coach

I have been training people for over thirteen years and online since 2015.

The online coaching started when a client based in Dubai approached me after a fitness show in London and asked if we could work together. He had struggled to find a coach in Dubai who could get him into the shape for competition and since he’d just seen one of my other clients win a world title, he was prepared to commit to an online working relationship with me. 

I had started training clients for competitions in 2014. These are people like you and me but who have decided to transform themselves by training hard, eating well and being disciplined. I would still train clients who had different lifestyle goals, but competition athletes become the core of my business for the next few years.

I’m originally from Kent, and left school to start an apprenticeship with BT. Each night I would bike into London, to work as a fibre optic engineer on big projects across the city.  

Outside work I kept myself busy with family, friends and fitness. I’ve always liked training and initially it was focused around triathlons. I got into nutrition, was happy with my personal results, and became curious by what else I could achieve. I stopped triathlons and swapped stamina for strength training and haven’t looked back since. 

As my body shape changed, I noticed my general confidence improve, I was happy and satisfied with how I looked which only highlighted where I wasn’t satisfied elsewhere. I studied and qualified as a personal trainer, where I felt I could make an impact and after 12 years, quit my job.

When day one as full-time PT came, I had one client and it took another two months to get up to five. I kept myself focused, kept myself training, started to get results for my clients and got more and more requests.

I immersed myself into the techniques of Charles Poliquin, Phil Richards, Phil Learney and Charles Glass, later it was Ben Pakulski and Calum Gore.

Today my range of clients is a lot more diverse again. I’m helping far fewer bikini models, instead I’m helping mums get back in shape. I’m spending less time in pre-show prep and more time helping office workers lose fat. My approach to personal training comes from years of education, and I’m ready to help you.